Thursday, May 14

Hitting the Ground Running

I know, I know. It's been far too long since my last update.

Some of you may have been disappointed, some of you may have even been worried. But I assure there is nothing to worry about, and I do apologize for failing to keep you up to date.

Things here in Ghana have been hectic since landing in Accra.

We arrived just in time to get a night's sleep, and were up early the next day to grab a bus to Tamale. That bus then broke down on the way, and we had to wait four hours for another bus. We arrived in Tamale late in the night, and slept a little before getting up to start meeting the Overseas team. We spent the day talking about culture, health and safety, and then we were sent on a scavenger hunt to get some extra things we will need. The next day was an intensive day of learning with our sector teams, so my group learned all about our strategy with MOFA (Ministry of Food and Agriculture) and our Agriculture As A Business (AAB) program.

Most JF's left the next morning for their various placements, but a few of us had to wait because our partners were not yet ready to meet. Two other MOFA JFs (Junior Fellows) and I were invited to a Regional MOPA meeting. That was quite an interesting experience. It was valuable to witness these Government employees discuss the various issues that affect them and their work.

Then, since I would not be travelling to Pong-Tamale yet, Sarah, my coach, arranged for me to go to the field with some extension agents to observe their use of the AAB curriculum. It was quite a learning experience! I learned quite a bit about chilli pepper farming, raising guinuea fowls, and fishing from my three visits. I also learned quite a bit about the three extension agents' different approaches to working with farmer groups.

So despite the fact that I haven't yet even started my placement, it has been non-stop since arriving!

I hope I can keep you up-to-date more regularly in the future.

Until next time.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. that is really awesome. you should offer lessons in chili pepper farming when you get back.

  3. Haha, I don't think I learned enough to give lessons, or even to properly grow them myself. When I say I learned a lot, it's because anything is a lot compared to zero!!!

  4. E-dizzle,

    Rumours are spreading via the JFs about you.
    Good luck with the AAB kick off.

    As for me, things are a LOT clearer as to what an innovation challenge is all about.
    Stay healthy,


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